Privacy Policy

Terms of privacy

Our goal is to share with you information regarding IBE Estonia OÜ’s activities through a easily usable website. The same basic principle is used when collecting and using your personal data. We have written this document on our terms of privacy to explain what kind of information we collect on our Users and for what purpose we use this information. We will do our best to have our terms be clearly and easily understood.

We collect information using the following ways:

  • If you share your information with us or give us the right to use your information by using our website, as a User you will be asked for your permission to use your information. The information collected includes:
  • Given name
  • Surname
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Name of your company
  • While using our services, the website with the help of cookies will also collect technical information


We produce and save User’s cookies with the aim to make our website easier to use. A cookie is a small text file, which will be sent and saved on the User’s device by websites visited by the User. The cookie will be saved in the file catalogue of the User’s web browser. In case the User has previously visited the website, the web browser will read the cookie and forward the corresponding data to the element that originally saved the cookie. Removal of cookies is dependent on the web browser and is done through the settings of the web browser.

We use cookies for following purposes:

  • Google Analytics – User’s data will be saved with the aim of collecting usage statistics. Additionally, Google Analytics data will save the User’s IP address. These statistics help us to gain overview of the User’s pattern of behavior by helping us better understand problems with the design of our website and make the website more personal and easier to use in the future.

How we use the collected data

We use the collected data to provide services. This means that we do not collect data on the User that is not necessary for providing the services. The data related to the user is available to:

  • The User
  • Administrator of the website
  • Account manager

All related partners share our principles and keep and use the User’s personal data based on these principles. To protect the interests of the User the use of personal data between different entities is only done under contracts. We use the data of our clients to facilitate the communication between relevant entities.

When collecting statistics we carefully consider the User’s interest to visit a website that is simple to navigate and easy to use. These statistics allow us to analyze the User’s behavioral patterns when using the website by letting us see, which parts of the website have been used the most and where the User may encounter problems.

How and when do we share the data

The User’s information is only available to the User and the administrator of the website.

IBE Estonia OÜ will share the User’s data with the authorities if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that the User’s activities have a malicious or criminal purpose against IBE Estonia OÜ or other users of the website.

In other cases we will share the data with third persons only in case we have the permission of the person whose data is shared.

How long do we keep the User’s data

The data will actively be used in the interests of the User and during a time the use of data is necessary to fulfil the purpose of the service. In the interests of the User, the time for how long the User’s data is kept is unlimited. The deletion of data is done via written application by the User that is sent to our e-mail address The deletion of data is done on all related systems, including the reserve copies of our own and our partners.

Your rights as a User to manage your data

As a user you have the right to review your personal data at any time by submitting a request to Is it not possible to review the data if the right to do so is limited by legal acts.

The User has the right to revoke his/her permission to use his/her personal data at any time, except when the use of personal data is legally permitted without the User’s permission. Revocation of permission has no effect on the legality of the use of personal data before the revocation occurred.

In case you find that your personal data is not used according to the terms of contract or legal acts, you have the right to demand the entity providing the service, IBE Estonia OÜ, to stop using your personal data, end access and the deletion of collected data. You may submit a corresponding request to the service provider IBE Estonia OÜ at or contact the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate (

How to contact us

If you have questions regarding our privacy policy you are welcome to contact us by e-mail or phone:

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